In October 2008, the Branson Board of Aldermen approved a comprehensive liquor ordinance for the city designed to prevent incidents of drinking and driving and to further prevent underage drinking. The new ordinance became effective January 1, 2009, and the biggest change in the ordinance deals with the liquor license application process.
All the information and applications necessary to begin the process of obtaining a liquor license in the City of Branson can be found by clicking on the image.
The retailer training facilitated by Community Partnership of the Ozarks is approved by the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control as a state-approved training and has demonstrated evidence of effectiveness. In 2017, pre-post survey results from 636 participants indicated a 25% increase in awareness of Missouri alcohol sales laws, a 27% increase in how to identify a fake or false ID, and 99% of participants reporting in the post-survey they were very likely to not sell alcohol to a minor following the training.
The Branson Police Department conducts four compliance checks a year at liquor retailers throughout the city. In 2007, the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) conducted an alcohol compliance check operation in Branson, resulting in only a 22% compliance rate. Through coordinated education initiatives and efforts by local law enforcement, results of the most recent compliance check resulted in a 95% pass rate! The coalition is proud to support the recent expansion of compliance checks countywide through collaborative efforts between the Branson Police Department and the Taney County Sheriff's Department!
The Responsible Beverage Service Support Program is a free, voluntary program available to Taney County alcohol retailers. It was developed by the Taney County ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team) Coalition to meet two goals:
1) to publicly recognize Taney County alcohol retailers who are implementing effective Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) practices
2) to decrease alcohol availability to minors
Please click the image to see our current award recipients!