ADAPT’s mission is to reduce and prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs by the youth of Taney County through evidence-based strategies.
October 1, 2023
Taney County ADAPT Awarded $1.8M Grant to Continue Drug and Alcohol Prevention Efforts in Stone and Taney Counties
Branson, MO – On October 1, 2023, the Taney County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team (ADAPT) received notification that they are selected to receive a grant in the amount of $1,800,000 to continue and expand upon their substance use prevention work through the ADAPT Strategic Partners for Success Project. ADAPT is one of 44 programs across the nation selected to receive this very competitive five-year award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The purpose of the Strategic Partners for Success Project is to help reduce the onset and progression of substance misuse and its related problems by supporting the development and delivery of community-based substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion services. ADAPT hopes to expand and strengthen the capacity of local community prevention providers to implement evidence-based prevention programs in both Taney and Stone Counties. This will be done by working with area agencies who have committed to working together to create real change in our communities.
Partners include:
Branson School District
Taney and Stone County Health Departments
Branson Police Department
The Brook Wellness Center
The Simmering Center
Stone County Recovery Center
Faith Community Health
Community Partnership of the Ozarks
2023 will conclude the tenth year Taney County ADAPT has been funded through the CDC’s Drug Free Communities grant. During that time, ADAPT has successfully employed many prevention strategies that have been instrumental in keeping the rate of youth substance use lower than state average, as well as community projects such as the bi-annual DEA Drug Take Back events.
“It’s exciting to have the opportunity to work with both Stone and Taney County agencies and to support the exceptional work being done,” said Shelly Marlowe, Director of ADAPT.
2023 April Take-Back Event Participants
Pictured: Program Director, Shelly Marlowe
Officer: Steve Huggins
2023 April Take-Back Event Participants
Pictured: Volunteers Andy Hughes & Karen Oswald
Officer: Cpl. Matthew Kirk
2023 April Take-Back Event Participants
Pictured: Volunteers Beth Schulz & Alexyss Skinner
2023 April Tale-Back Event Participants
Pictured: Volunteers Cris Bohinc & Sherry Grisham
Officer: Caleb Teig
The “Talk. They Hear You.”® campaign is designed to provide parents and caregivers with the information and resources they need to properly address underage drinking and substance use with their children.
The Consequences of Underage Drinking and Substance Use Can Be Devastating
The consequences of underage drinking and substance use can include but are not limited to
• Injury or death from accidents
• Unintended, unwanted, and unprotected sexual activity
• Mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety disorders
• Difficulty with attention, concentration, problem-solving, learning, and memory
• Allergic reactions, breathing trouble, coma, and even permanent brain damage or death
Research Suggests that Underage Drinking and Substance Use Are Not
Top-of-Mind Concerns Among Many Parents
• Many parents with children under the age of 21 don’t believe underage drinking and substance use are not issues about which to be concerned and therefore may not have conversations with their kids surrounding these topics.
• Research suggests that one of the most influential factors for a child’s healthy development is a strong, open relationship with a parent.
• Parents have a significant influence on their children’s decisions to experiment with alcohol or other drugs.
• Over 80 percent of young people ages 10–18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision about whether to drink alcohol.
• When parents create supportive and nurturing environments, children make better decisions.
Branson Police Dept
110 W. Maddux St., Ste. 100, Branson, MO 65616
available 24/7/365
Hollister Police Dept
1 Gage Dr., Hollister, MO 65672
available 24/7/365
Rockaway Beach Police Dept
2762 State Hwy 176, Rockaway Beach, MO 65740
Mon-Fri, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
Taney County Sheriff's Office
266 Main St., Forsyth, MO 65653
available 24/7/365
CVS Pharmacy
105 Loyd Rd., Branson, MO 65616
open Mon-Sun, 9:00 am to 10:00 pm
CoxHealth Pharmacy
525 Branson Landing Blvd., Branson, MO 65616
Mon-Fri, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, Sat, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm